Film Reviews
“While fundamentally an exposé, The Andorra Hustle proceeds with the pace of a classic heist movie.”
“An engaging look into an enormous corruption scandal that went almost entirely under the radar.”
—The Guardian September 3, 2020
“… the film ultimately presents yet another indictment of those who crush with impunity whatever stands in the way of their power and profit.”
—Boston Globe September 10, 2020
“If Goliath had grabbed David by the hair on his head, tossed him around like a rag doll, flung him bloodied and beaten to the ground, and then squashed him as though he were nothing more than an insignificant little ant.”
—Film Threat September 10, 2020
“…absolutely intriguing and fascinating.”
—FilmWeek, NPR Los Angeles September 5, 2020
“Merola’s whirlwind tour is a distressing, overwhelming exposé.”
—KDHX, St. Louis August 24, 2020
Director Interviews (Eric Merola)
Eric Merola: “La meva pel·lícula exposa exactament de què tracta tota aquesta demanda contra Rajoy.”
“La censura d’Amazon ha creat un efecte Streisand perfecte”
—BCNCULTURA.CAT 16 de septiembre de 2020
Eric Merola: “L’odi cap als catalans és racisme passat de moda”
El director del documental ‘Andorra Hustle’ afirma que “si l’odi i l’agressió continuen des de Madrid, donaré suport a la independència”
—LaRepublica 3 de septiembre de 2020
“Potser aquesta història de BPA es convertirà algun dia en una gran pel·lícula de Hollywood”
—Altaveu 5 de septiembre de 2020
‘L’estafa d’Andorra’, el divisiu documental sobre Banca Privada d’Andorra
—ARA.CAT 7 de septiembre de 2020
Response to Mr. Vicent Partal
—Eric Merola 09.01.2020
“Trouble in Andorra”: the most convoluted banking scandal in modern history
—VOA (Russia) 28 de agosto de 2020
WBAI Radio Interview with Leonard Lopate
—WBAI, New York City September 9, 2020